Home » Volunteer
Susan Krings
  • Permaculutre Designer and Teacher
  • Natural Builder and Teacher
  • Master Gardener
  • Master Composter
  • California Nursery Pro
  • California Native Plant Landscaper
  • UC Climate Steward
  • US Army Veteran
Breaking down barriers to permaculture education, empowering students to create local demonstration sites that inspire solutions and strengthen community resilience.

Hi, I'm Susan Krings, the first volunteer with DiHG Eco-Prise, Inc. I founded DiHG because I want to collaborate with others, helping communities adapt and become resilient to climate change. Utilizing permaculture design, we are able to partner with nature, steward our local ecosystems, harvest renewable energy and secure sustainable food, water and housing. Please join me to develop your skills and share your talents. Thanks for your consideration and I look forward to volunteering with you.

Cherishing nature and stewarding thriving local ecosystems.
Volunteers at Wild Coachella Day

February 24, 2024

Cynthia, Buddy, Angelyn, Susan and Octavio

We had a great day telling people about DiHG and showing them our newly installed Cahuilla Garden at UCR Palm Desert Center.

WCD Volunteers small
Volunteer Registration
Volunteer Calendar

Current Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer Coordinator - Manage DiHG's volunteer management system and help guide volunteers
  • Branding - Help design and manage brand and promotional materials
  • Publicity - Get the word out about DiHG Eco-Prise
  • Website Designer - Updating, adding pages, connectivity and all things website
  • Newsletter - Edit and distribute DiHG Eco's newsletter
  • Public Speaking Coordinator - Find opportunities for presenters to talk about DiHG to other orgs
  • Educational Facilitator - Help organize and run programs
  • Crowdfunding Creator - Help design, launch and manage a campaign
  • Events Coordinator - Set up and manage events, presentations, workshops and classes
  • Grant Writing - Identify grants and apply for funding
  • Permaculture Teachers - Co-teach the 72 hour permaculture design course. No experience necessary, just the desire to activate your potential. Pick any topic you like and join the teaching team. If you dropped out of a previous course and would like to finish, complete your hours and final project with DiHG and start teaching with us.
  • PDC Facilitator - Help organize and run the permaculture design course
  • Location Scouting - Find places where we can establish permaculture demonstrations sites and eco villages
  • Target Populations Scout - Identify and establish relationship with orgs serving our target populations: Transition aged youth, Veterans, Older Adults
  • Greywater Installer/Teacher - Help design and teach students about greywater systems
  • PV Installer/Teacher - Help design and teach photo voltaic systems to students
  • Geo-Thermal Installer/Teacher - Help design and teach students about earth tubs and more...
  • Master Gardener - Help design gardens and teach horticulture
  • Master Composters - Help install appropriate composting systems in appropriate zones and teach students about nutrient cycling
  • UC Naturalists - Design Zone 5, teach students about local native flora, fauna and habitat building and care
  • UC Climate Stewards - Develop and run educational and practical community programs
  • Natural Builders - Teach natural building methods: Cob, Cob/Bale, Rammed Earth...
  • Construction - Teach conventional skills with repurposed materials within natural building projects
  • Stone Masons - Teach building methods with natural stone and repurposed hardscape materials
  • Crafters - Teach your craft: Basketry, Pottery, Sewing, Weaving, Knotting, Thatching, Repurposing...
  • Micro/Small Business Development - Teach students how to develop their sustainable business ideas and skills into right livelihood
  • More - These are just a few volunteer possibilities. If you would like help but don't see a match for your talents and skills, let us know what you would like to do and we will create a spot for you.
Volunteer Registration

We are committed to equity and inclusion of all races, gender, orientation and ability.


We empower you with education and community so you can choose your path forward. Stay where you started for as long as you like or move around where there are opportunities. Your contribution is valued and appreciated.


We see you, a superhuman, taking meaningful action to improve your life, community and the destiny of our planet.


We are designing our way into a secure future by restoring people and planet with small sustainable solutions. We are taking human scale actions, doing meaningful work and extending life systems that sequester rampant co2.


We start with a foundation in permaculture design and then specialize into everything it takes to have sustainable human settlement. You will definitely find many things you like.


We have a 500 year plan: Do all we can to keep the planet habitable and thriving for future generations.

Take the Pledge

I pledge to honor and act on permaculture ethics: Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share.

I am the solution to climate change..

I recognize the intrinsic value in all species and their position in our biosphere.

I take responsibility for living a life in partnership with nature and all living things.

I vow to share my education, inspiration and skills with my community.

My actions will allow future generations of all species to live on a beautiful, abundant and stable Earth.

Contact Us Today